The Greater Fool is someone with the perfect blend of self-delusion and ego to think that he can succeed where others have failed. Future is made by greater fools.
8. How investing in myself changed my life?
8. How investing in myself changed my life?

8. How investing in myself changed my life?

Nawazuddin Siddiqui. Sundar Pichai. Warren Buffet. Naruto Uzumaki.

All of them attribute much of their success to their investment into their own personal development and wellbeing.

I thought I was doing it too. 

But in 2018 I realized how mistaken I was. When I made a list of courses/services that I paid for in previous years which made me better personally/professionally. 

To my surprise, the last investment I could think of was my college fees! Which my father paid for. Post that I was only earning, rather than learning. I could not think of anything where I paid for a service that made me better.

Why didn’t I invest in myself?

I feel this maybe because of the culture and how I was raised. Being born in a middle-class family, we were taught how to earn money, how to save money but never how to use money. 

I never was able to convince myself to pay for a service. I would look for free alternatives, even if that meant inconvenience. The motto was “Save as much money as possible”.

My Failed Attempts

Between 2012 and 2017

  • I tried learning guitar from youtube instead of paying for a teacher. Result: I learned only basic chords and didn’t continue.
  • I learned how to code using free tutorials on the internet instead of buying a paid course. Result: didn’t learn many fundamentals.
  • I never hired a personal trainer for workouts. Why pay if I can get all the information on internet & can save money. Result: Failed 4 different times.
  • I didn’t invest in grooming/shopping. Result: average appearance & looks.

Little did I know, that in all these cases and many more, instead of saving money, I was just limiting my growth opportunities.

Best Returns (10x)

For past 2 years I am consciously trying to invest in myself. And with all honesty, I am very happy with the returns.

Here are a few of my recent investments in Abhinav Mittal:

Took football lessonsRs 2,800Instantly improved ball control
Bought books (Atomic Habits, Why we sleep, The Psychology of money)Rs 1,800Finally resolved my bad sleeping habit. Also added 4-5 new habits. High impact on my life
Attended motivational session by Gary VaynerchukRs 1,700It was okay to see him & his energy in person. Not all investments are great! :p 
Executive startup program to learn how to build startupsRs 1.2 LakhGrew my network, learned new business models, successfully raised 100k USD seed fund for our idea Ivory.
One step closer to my dream.
Learning Art of clear writing (Sessions from Amit Varma)Rs 12,000Still ongoing…(you can tell me if my writing is getting any good :p)
VipassanaFreeMaybe the biggest turning point of my life. Increased happiness atleast 50 times.

Few points to note: 

  • Not saying free things don’t add value. But to grow fast & further, I feel investing is required.
  • At no point of time I had excess money. To say YES to any of these investments, I had to say NO to other things.

So tell me, what were your last 2 investments in yourself?


  1. Amit

    I can completely correlate with this as right from beginning I have always criticized tution going kids that why they are investing too much as things can be learnt by own and at no cost.

    Now, when I look back at my failures I realise that instead of being egotistical, If I would have invested some money in coaching it could have made some difference though not turnaround.

    There is a possibility that coaching might not have done the big difference but then also I think I could have given a bigger fight.

    So I completely agree with you that we should not hesitate a little in investing on ourselves.

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